Using an underwater DPV during dives offers an electric underwater propulsion system that allows you to extend the distance covered, reducing the effort required by the diver, while maintaining a discreet presence that does not disturb marine wildlife.
However, an electric underwater scooter can offer much more than a way to move more quickly and easily under water: with the right vision, supported by cutting-edge technology, it can redefine the whole concept of underwater exploration and offer divers a whole new way to express their passion.
This is the approach adopted by Suex for developing its DPV scooters, which offers not only a high-performance underwater electric motor, but the opportunity to integrate it with innovations that seek to revolutionise the diving experience: the best example of this is the DRIVe system.
DRIVe (Diver Remote Information View) is an integrated system for communication and data reception between different SUEX devices, which links the motor of the DPV, the Eron-D1 dashboard, the Sinapsi nose and the Calypso app, allowing divers to control, record and analyse their dives.
DRIVe is entirely based on the synergy between the various components, which form a system that is more than the mere sum of its parts:
- the sophisticated electronics of Sinapsi make it possible to receive and process underwater navigation data, transmitting the information to the EronD1 dashboard and subsequently to the application. Before diving using the Calypso App or Calypso Desk, it is possible to program a route to follow and objectives to achieve;
- the Eron D-1 dashboard displays all the data received from the DPV and from Sinapsi, thus guaranteeing complete control over all the performance indexes and navigation and orientation elements;
- the Calypso app can be used to monitor the devices of the equipment connected from a smartphone, update firmware and view pre and post-dive data.
This makes for a continuous experience before, during and after the dive, and for a safer experience, thanks to the real-time updates on navigation and on the conditions of the DPV; the data collected provide valuable information for future dives, or to share with other divers, while planning using the app cuts preparation time, transferring a part of it onto a device that can be accessed at any time, such as a smartphone.
The full potential of DRIVe is expressed with the models XJ-S and XK, which are compatible with Sinapsi and Eron.